Sponsored Links Shay Carl currently married to Katilette Butler Katilette Butler Shay Carl Complete Dating History Add new Post Sponsored Links Shay Carl wiki Login to Edit Date of Birth: 05 Mar, 1980Zodiac Sign: PiscesPlace of Birth: Logan, Utah, USAAge: 45 years oldBorn Name: Shay Carl ButlerParents:Carl Butler, Laurie ButlerHeight:5Eyes Color: Brown - DarkHair Color: Brown - DarkReligious believes: MormonSexuality: StraightProfession: Actor Other Professions: YouTube PartnerYears Active: April 2007-present August 2007Official Websites: Youtube.com, Youtube.com, Shaycarl.com, Twitter.com, Shaycarl.com, Shay Carl Latest Videos