Sicilian mafia boss from Castelvetrano also known as Diabolik, taken from an Italian comic book series. After the arrests of Bernardo Provenzano and Salvatore Lo Piccolo, he was considered a new leader of the Sicilian Mob. In 1993 he became a fugitive on the most wanted list and made the Forbes 2010 list of the ten most wanted and powerful criminals in the world. He was referred to as "the boss of all bosses" within the Mafia. He was arrested in January of 2023 in Palermo. He was born in Castelvetrano in the province of Sicily. He is the son of a Mafia boss, Francesco Messina Denaro, also known as Don Ciccio. He learned to be violent from a young age, gaining notoriety from the murder of a rival boss and his three-months pregnant girlfriend. In 2001