Sponsored Links Unge Ferrari dating Whom? Unge Ferrari is currently single Unge Ferrari Complete Dating History Add new Post Sponsored Links Unge Ferrari wiki Login to Edit Bio: Hip hop and R&B artist who debuted with a single called "Hvis Du Vil," making his biggest splash with his third single "Lianer." He signed with Nora Collective in 2014 for management purposes.Date of Birth: 02 Aug, 1990Zodiac Sign: LeoPlace of Birth: NorwayAge: 34 years oldProfession: Rapper Official Websites: Facebook.com, Twitter.com, Soundcloud.com, Youtube.com, Show more bio data > Unge Ferrari Latest VideosUnge Ferrari HD Wallpapers and ImagesUnge Ferrari Tour Dates 2017 - Upcoming Unge Ferrari Concert DatesDen Unges Forbund (DN+) - DN.noUnge Ferrari - Atomic Soul Atomic SoulUnge Ferrari Arkiver - Melk & HonningTouScene - Unge FerrariUnge Ferrari & Tomine Harket - Christine Live 2016 FlickrVanilje (Synthomania Remix) Lyrics, Unge Ferrari ShazamP3 Christine Live: Arif & Unge Ferrari "Spiders" (Gundelach CoverUnge Ferrari-intervju Om Nytt Album, Skandinavia-satsing Og ArifUnge Ferrari Eller Twitter-jente? PlaybuzzKRSby - #Femkjappe Med Unge FerrariP3.no Unge Ferrari - Christine Live 2016Unge Ferrari Vad Blir Det F R Rap N JesguidenP3.no Musikk Blir Inspirert Av Slemme DamerUnge Ferrari - Lianer (Live @ East FM) - YouTubeSMS-intervjuet: Unge Ferrari - 730.noKRSby - #Femkjappe Med Unge FerrariUnge Ferrari - Ja Ja JaUnge Ferrari (@UngeFerrari) Twitter