Sponsored Links Caprice Bourret Currently Dating Ty Comfort Ty Comfort Caprice Bourret Complete Dating History Add new Post Caprice Bourret wiki Login to Edit Date of Birth: 24 Oct, 1971Zodiac Sign: LibraPlace of Birth: Hacienta Heights, CaliforniaAge: 53 years oldBorn Name: Caprice Valerie BourretParents:Dale Bourret, Valerie PionHeight:5Weight: 130 lbs (59.0 kg)Eyes Color: BlueHair Color: BlondeReligious believes: JewishSexuality: StraightProfession: Model (Adult/Glamour) Other Professions: Businesswoman, actress and television personalityOfficial Websites: Bycaprice.com, Twitter.com, Linkedin.com, Bycaprice.com, Caprice Bourret Latest Videos