Sponsored Links Crystal Reed Currently Dating Darren McMullen Darren McMullen Crystal Reed Complete Dating History Add new Post Sponsored Links Crystal Reed wiki Login to Edit Bio: Crystal Reed is an American actress. She was best known for her role as Allison Argent in the MTV series Teen Wolf.Date of Birth: 06 Feb, 1985Zodiac Sign: AquariusPlace of Birth: Detroit, Michigan, USAAge: 40 years oldBorn Name: Crystal ReedHeight:5Weight: 126 lbs (57.2 kg)Eyes Color: Brown - DarkHair Color: Brown - DarkReligious believes: Roman CatholicSexuality: StraightProfession: Actress Other Professions: ActressOfficial Websites: Twitter.com, Facebook.com, Crystalreed.net, Tumblr.com, Show more bio data > Crystal Reed Latest Videos